The Associazione Ambulatorio Internazionale “Città Aperta” is an association formed by lay volunteering doctors and civilians. Established in 1994, the outpatient clinic moved to the present residence of Vico del Duca (in front of Palazzo Tursi) in 1996, in order to effectively enforce the right to health assistance, for every human being, of any origin, geography, religion, and social status.


Our outpatient clinic is a medical clinic for people without a residence permission who, in this condition, although maintaining the right to be cured, cannot refer to any family physician.


The goal of the association is not only this one: we also want basic medical care to be guaranteed to “irregular migrants”, which the law does not do, because it is oriented to regulate only the emergency. In this way we think to exert an effective political-social action. The health right thus becomes the ground for a wider battle for defending the human rights.


The effective defense of the health right is first and foremost guaranteed by a conscious collaboration between all people, users and operators.


In addition, the Association can offer the services of two lawyers should assistance be required pertaining to civil matters such as family issues and labour disputes.

Ambulatorio Internazionale
vico del Duca, 41 r
16123 GENOVA
Aperto tutti i pomeriggi:
dal Lunedì al Venerdì
dalle 16.30 alle 19
* durante il periodo estivo gli orari possono subire variazioni



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Dove 2017.pdf
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"Se tremi per l'indignazione davanti alle ingiustizie, allora sei mio fratello".

Ernesto Che Guevara